Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What Is Leucoderma And How Is It Treated?

Leucoderma, also called Vitiligo is a skin condition which involves the de-pigmentation of the skin. It causes some areas of your skin color that may cause discolored patches to change your skin. This patch can grow bigger and multiply. The pigmentation usually occurs around the mouth, eyes, nose, fingers / nails and genitals.

This is the same condition that Pop icon Michael Jackson Suffered, allowing to turn his skin to white in some areas.


First, it is important for anyone suffering from leucoderma not use a hard soap, powders or cosmetics. In addition, it is recommended that they avoid foods rich in iron and shellfish and citrus foods.

Common treatment for leucoderma include:

Skin Camouflage. For those with less severe cases of leucoderma, cosmetic products are used to camouflage the visible discolored areas. It is also advised for lighter skinned patients to avoid too much sun / tanning. Tanning will cause the unaffected areas to become darker thus intensifying the contrast with the the affected areas. This will only make them more prominently visible.

De-pigment. In this method, patients undergo surgery to cause the de-pigmentation of the unaffected skin to even skin tone and render patches unnoticeable. This treatment usually lasts a year, but can take longer depending on the condition of the patient.

UVB phototherapy. This is probably the most common treatment for patients with this condition. UVB phototherapy patients are exposed to UVB light and can take several weeks as the skin just under three years. Otherwise, the treatment would last a few months.

PUVA phototherapy. This treatment helps your skin more sensitive to UV rays by taking drugs. After a brief dosing of the medication, patients will be exposed to an ultraviolet light. This treatment can potentially harm your skin, making it appear as if it was burned by the sun.

Transplanting of melanocytes. The opposite of de-pigmented skin where melanocytes are transplanted to the affected areas to even out the skin tone.

Natural Treatment. There is also natural treatment that can be used to reverse the effects of vitiligo and restore your skin to its original condition. Natural treatment for leucoderma involves the use of holistic strategies which will correct the root cause of the condition without the use of drugs or prescription medicines.
Learn the secret of how to get rid of vitiligo naturally in just a matter of months!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Papillary Stenosis - Causes and Cures

The term papillary stenosis simply implies the narrowing of the passage inside of the muscular valve within the duodenum. This narrowing occurs because of different factors. Whenever this occurs, there is an obstruction of the flow of pancreatic juices and bile from the pancreas into the large intestines.

Some of these factors which result in papillary stenosis are:

  • Scarring due to injury or surgery.
  • Inflammation in the area of the bile duct or optic disc.
  • Gall stones
  • Papilla
  • compressive tumors or inflammatory lesions of adjacent structures such as common bile duct or pancreas head. 


Depending on the degree of stenosis the results can be severe pain and inability to secrete bile and pancreatic juices - cholestasis. This may also result in recurring pancreatitis.

How is papillary stenosis diagnosed?

  • The patient's history must be taken into account when diagnosing for papillary stenosis. Was there previous surgery? 
  • Does the patient have a history of gallstone?
  • Has there been instances of inflammation in the past?
Use of ultrasound and endoscopy will determine the condition of the bile duct and papilla.
If tumors are present then an endoscopic biopsy would be conducted in order to determine the kind of treatment approach required.

The therapy will vary accordingly with either endoscopic or surgical procedures of restoration. These means can be as follows:
  • balloon
  • papillotomy
  • biliary sphincteronomy
  • stent implantation
  • tumor extraction